Predicting stock gap fills


A gap up is when the opening price is greater than the previous closing price. A gap down is when the opening price is lower than the previous closing price. These gaps can occur because of major events, but most of the time its only market fluctuations. These gaps typically fill within the day.

We can use machine-learning to predict which gaps have a high likelihood of filling and make corresponding trades.

scikit-learn is a Python machine learning package which offers a variety of classification algorithms (e.g. Logistic Regression, SVM, Decision Tree).

The complete code can be found here:


The easiest way to get started would be installing Docker.

    # Pull Tensorflow image
    docker pull tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-jupyter

    # Run Tensorflow container
    docker run --detach \
     --name quant \
     --publish 8888:8888 \

    # Access logs for Jupyter notebook URL
    docker logs quant

    # Access shell
    docker exec -it quant sh

    # Install required packages
    pip install pandas scikit-learn


Now we can create an empty Jupyter notebook. The data referenced can be downloaded from

    import pandas as pd

    # Read CSV into pandas dataframe
    candles = pd.read_csv("SPY.csv", parse_dates=["date"])
date open high low close volume
0 2000-01-03 99.6642 99.6642 96.7230 97.7734 8164300
1 2000-01-04 96.4919 96.8491 93.8764 93.9499 8089800

Next, we need to calculate the opening gap and check if it filled within the day.

    # Add column referencing the previous day's close
    candles["prev_close"] = candles["close"].shift(1)
    # Add column calculating the opening gap percent
    candles["gap_percent"] = (candles["open"] - candles["prev_close"]) / candles["prev_close"] * 100
    # Add column checking if the gap filled within the day
    candles["gap_filled"] = (candles["low"] <= candles["prev_close"]) & (candles["prev_close"] <= candles["high"])
    # Drop any rows with NA values (i.e. no previous close)
    candles.dropna(axis="rows", inplace=True)
    candles.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
    # Drop any rows without sufficient trading opportunity (e.g. >= 0.05%)
    candles = candles.loc[abs(candles["gap_percent"]) >= 0.05].reset_index(drop=True)
date open high low close volume prev_close gap_percent gap_filled
0 2000-01-04 96.4919 96.8491 93.8764 93.9499 8089800 97.7734 -1.310684 False
1 2000-01-05 94.0760 95.1474 92.2692 94.1180 12177900 93.9499 0.134220 True
    gap_fill_count = candles.groupby("gap_filled").size()

Naively the daily gap fill rate is around 65%.

Gap fills can be influenced by a variety of factors. Let's check the following:

  • Day of the week
  • Month
  • Gap size
    # Add column to track the day of the week
    candles["day_of_week"] = candles["date"].dt.day_name()
    # Add column to track the month
    candles["month"] = candles["date"].dt.month_name()
    # Bucket gap_percent by size
    cut_labels = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 1]
    cut_bins = [0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.45, 0.55, 0.65, 100]
    candles["gap_size"] = pd.cut(abs(candles["gap_percent"]), bins=cut_bins, labels=cut_labels)
gap_filled day_of_week month gap_size
0 False Tuesday January 1.0
1 True Wednesday January 0.1

Now, we can group by each column and determine if there is a correlation to gap fill.

    # Similarly for "month" and "day_of_week"
    gap_fill_by_size = candles.groupby(["gap_size", "gap_filled"]).size()
    gap_fill_by_size.groupby("gap_size").apply(lambda g: g / g.sum() * 100)
    gap_size  gap_filled
    0.1       False         10.829960
              True          89.170040
    0.2       False         26.596980
              True          73.403020
    0.3       False         30.878187
              True          69.121813
    0.4       False         38.264300
              True          61.735700
    0.5       False         43.781095
              True          56.218905
    0.6       False         47.703180
              True          52.296820
    1.0       False         58.435438
              True          41.564562

As we can see here, gap size is negatively correlated with the gap fill rate. There was no discernible impact from the day of the week and the month.

Now we can attempt to use Logistic Regression to see if we can accurately predict the gap fill rate.

    from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
    from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
    import sklearn.metrics as metrics

    # One-hot encode categorical features like day_of_week and month
    day_of_week = pd.get_dummies(candles["day_of_week"])
    month = pd.get_dummies(candles["month"])
    x = candles[["gap_size"]].join([day_of_week, month])
    # Replace True/False values with "Filled" and "NoFill"
    y = candles["gap_filled"].replace({True: "Filled", False: "NoFill"})

Categorical features like "month" needs to be translated to numeric variables for some machine learning algorithms. We can translate each month to a consecutive integers since they follow an ordinal relationship. If there is no ordinal relationship, a column for each category value will need to be added. The column will have a value of 1 if it belongs to that category and 0 otherwise.

    # Split the training and test datasets (80/20 split)
    x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)

random_state is a seed number that we set in order to produce consistent results (42 being the obvious choice).

    model = LogisticRegression(), y_train)
    predictions = logistic.predict(x_test)
    metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, logistic_predictions)

The resulting accuracy is around 69%.

Future Improvements

If we want to improve the accuracy further, we can look into the following:

  • A more complex algorithm (SVM, Random Forest)
  • Enriching the data via feature engineering
  • Tuning the hyperparameters

Make sure to always backtest before risking your own money!


Confusion Matrix
