PoE Arbitrage


CLI tool to detect arbitrage opportunities by taking advantage of inefficient bid-ask spreads in the Bulk Item Exchange. This tool relies on the exchange API which is not officially supported by GGG.


Go is a statically typed language open sourced by Google in 2009. It is typically used for backend services and CLIs (command line interfaces).

cobra is a Go package for creating CLI applications. It offers a variety of features such as creating sub-commands, typo suggestions and automatic help generation.

viper is a Go package for configuration management. It supports JSON, TOML, YAML, etc. and reading from environment variables.


  • Fetch bulk trades from PoE Bulk Exchange API
  • Exclude AFK users by default
  • Ignore users
  • Favorite users
  • WIP: Print whispers for profitable arbitrage opportunities


PoE Arbitrage
