Portfolio Buddy


This is a mobile app built using React Native. This project mainly uses the Expo package which provides useful JS components and does not require writing any native code (Java/Swift).

The app is built on top of the free IEX Trading API which provides ticker data for NASDAQ and NYSE. It has three main features: analyzing tickers, providing news and tracking portfolio value.

Note: This project is inactive (archived) since the free API is no longer available.


React Native is a UI framework built by Facebook that lets you build Android and iOS apps. It uses the same API as React and is written in JavaScript.

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript and being maintained by Microsoft. It brings static typing to JavaScript and helps find bugs at compile time.


  • Redux for state management
  • Redux-Persist to persist watchlist and portfolio to local storage
  • NativeBase for UI components
  • React-Navigation for routing and tabs
  • Prettier and TSLint for code style
  • IEX Trading API (deprecated) for ticker data


Portfolio Buddy